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Water naar de zee dragen (EP1)[10:51]
Wie of wat is 'Paradijsvogels In opstand Opstand?[1:28]
Jambo Jambo[2:40]
Life is Paje Beach[3:13]
Big trouble in little Moshi[3:11]
Zanzibar street music[2:38]
Visiting the Materuni Coffee Farm[2:22]
Ever thought about going on a safari?[2:41]
London family trippin'[2:59]
Deep in the jungle of Malaysia you find... yourself[3:45]
Gent.. tis altijd 't goeie moment[2:08]

In this first episode we visit Samda on the tropical island Koh Rong Sanloem in Cambodia. Samda lives on a deserted beach called 'Lazy beach' that according to National Geographic, is one of the 21 most beautiful beaches in the world. Sounds like a dream right? But one thing is ruining all the fun... Angkor Hospital for Children:
Paradijsvogels In Opstand->埼玉県狭山市在住。 中学校美術非常勤講師とデザイン事務所勤務を経て、2010年美しい河原のある地域への引越しを機にストーンアーティストとして活動を開始。